Project Cargo Import for 8.5 MW Solar Field in Rwanda

FiT improved import procedures with local authorities and consignee and thus cut lead-time for transit from DAR to site by 80% with the respective savings on port storage costs and warehousing of solar panels in Kigali mitigated the risk of stock outs at site in Nasho.

A lack of coordination between suppliers, and the consignee as well as between consignee and local authorities caused delays in duty exemption processing in Rwanda and thus high storage and demurrage costs at the Port of Dar es Salaam.  Long road haulage in particularly due to delays at border clearance caused a further increase in container and truck detention charges.

On top the delays led to frequent stock outs at site and the need to import emergency orders by air.

FIT developed unique departure and transit program including expedited exemption processing and border clearance processes and worked closely with the suppliers to ensure documentation requirements at destination are adhered to. This way lead-time and associated costs could be reduced by 80% and by additionally setting up a warehouse in Kigali FiT mitigated the risk of stock outs at site.


Again another 18 trucks were cleared and delivered by David and his team to UNOPS. FIT –SS has an existing contract with UNOPS and mostly handles the last milestone for their project cargo- With the help of the networks created by the group office, we are looking to get the right contacts to pitch for door-door solutions for UNOPS and other humanitarian organizations.


GCL has moving farm accessories from NBO to their station in JUB- KE- Exports Team & Malaba office in collaboration with JUB office operations team has made this happen. We have so far moved 8*40FT trucks in a period of 5 months and expect more in the near future.